My daddy was like my person. I was single, and I relied on him a lot. Perhaps a little too much.
I was speaking to my hair dresser, who coincidentally also suffered the loss of her father, and we were just talking about how much it has changed us. I think for me, all for the better.
I have learned to be even more independent. I don’t tolerate bullshit anymore. I live more fully, more present. I love without reservation, the people who are there for me, and it’s much easier to see through the ones who are not now. I feel free.
I dance like no one is watching. I hug tighter. My appreciation for the little things in life goes deeper and feels greater. There is nothing I want to do more than pursue my dreams HEAVILY.
Which is why…. IM GETTING OUT OF MISSISSIPPI!!! That’s right— I’m finally going to start living my best life and do the travel OT thing for a while. My end goal has always been to end up in New Zealand, but it’s going to be super costly to move there, plus it’s a long process of paper work for a visa and licensure to practice… so I’m going to start with US travel first!
My first stop is TEXAS! I’m going to be moving in June and I CANNOT WAIT 💕🥰 I get to keep doing outpatient pediatrics as well! I’m so so so excited for this! ☺️ Literally a dream finally coming true—so stay tuned bc you guys are going to get a front row seat to all the ups and downs, and ins and outs of traveler life!
I also want to make a point to say, I really appreciate everyone who has continued to read my blog, even though I disappeared for a while.
All my love,
xoxo Mishako.